Rosenberg School of Optometry Interview Experience

Congratulations on your offer to interview with the UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry (UIWRSO).

The UIWRSO interview experience is all about you! Our primary goal is to introduce you to the UIWRSO Cardinal culture and offer valuable insight regarding what you can expect as a future student.

In preparation for your interview, we invite you to review the resources below organized by interview format. Please remember, in accordance with ASCO protocol, we ask that you provide a minimum of 24 hours notification if you are unable to participate in your interview experience or you need to reschedule.

For questions, please contact Admissions Office by phone, (210) 883-1190 or email,

UIWRSO Academics and Research

UIWRSO Clinical Experience

UIWRSO Sports Vision Service

UIWRSO Bowden Clinical Experience

Admissions Interview Day Resources

We are looking forward to hosting you on-site at UIWRSO. The on-site interview will include your individual, closed-file interview with a faculty member and a series of brief presentations and panels with our faculty, staff and current students. Topics include the academic, clinical and student life experience.

Please find resources below that will help you prepare for your campus visit:

We encourage you to get to know the broader San Antonio community during your visit to UIWRSO.

For your convenience, please find below hotels and restaurants that are near UIWRSO:

We are looking forward to hosting your upcoming UIWRSO virtual visit. The virtual interview experience is two-parts. You have already scheduled your Virtual Admissions Interview Day. Based on this date, we will follow up to schedule your virtual, individual, closed-file 30-minute interview with a faculty member within the same week. Please be watching your email.

In the meantime, please find resources below to help you prepare for your virtual interview experience: