Faculty Recognition

Faculty Publications, Presentations and Achievements

UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry is proud of its diverse and talented faculty. Outside of the classroom, faculty have been involved in research and collaborative projects that have resulted in peer-reviewed manuscripts and peer-reviewed conference presentations.

Please take time to review a sampling of these accomplishments.

Peer reviewed manuscripts

A Sampling of Recent Publications

The Faculty at the UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry bring a diverse set of interests and experiences both into and outside the classroom. With an impressive range of specialty interests, our accomplished faculty have frequently published cutting edge research in a variety of professional journals and publications. We invite you to take time to review a small sampling of their work often completed side by side with students.

A sampling of International peer-reviewed conference presentations

The Faculty at the UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry bring a diverse set of interests and experiences both into and outside the classroom. With an impressive range of specialty interests, our accomplished faculty have presented cutting edge research at a variety of professional conferences or meetings. We invite you to take time to review a small sampling of their work often completed side by side with students.

  • Teaching basic sciences when time is tight: blended learning, just in time teaching, and in-class case discussion.

    Sanchez-Diaz, P. C. (2016, April). Experimental Biology, San Diego, California (accepted).

  • Ubiquitin Carboxyl-Terminal Esterase L1 (UCHL1) Regulates Stem-Like Cancer Cell Populations in Pediatric High-Grade Glioma.

    Sanchez-Diaz, P. C. Chang, J. C., Dao, T., Chen, Y., & Hung, J. Y. (2016, April). Experimental Biology, San Diego, California (accepted).

  • Effect of pre-class work on student learning outcomes in a flipped-class experience.

    Sanchez-Diaz, P. C., Fike, D. S., & Hall, S. M. (2016, January). Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, Austin, Texas

  • Changes in conflict handling preferences of health professional students: The impact of an interprofessional education and collaborative practice experience.

    Sanchez-Diaz, P. C., Ramirez, M. N., Dominguez, D. G., Gottlieb, H., Walk, M. E., Ramona A. Parker. (2015, September). Collaborating Across Borders V Conference, Roanoke, Virginia.

  • Shaping student attitudes toward healthcare teams through a hybrid and online interprofessional education course: results of a pilot study.

    Sanchez-Diaz, P. C., Parker, R. A., & Dominguez, D. G. (2014, June). All Together for Better Health VII, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  • Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal esterase-L1 expression is reduced in retinoblastoma.

    Sanchez-Diaz, P. C., Kane, M., Cummings, E., Chang, J., Tomlinson, G. E., Jaclyn Y. Hung (2014, May).  Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Orlando, Florida.

  • Changes in student conflict management styles through interprofessional education and collaborative practice experience.

    Sanchez-Diaz, P. C., Parker, R. A., Ramirez, M. N., Gottlieb, H., & Dominguez, D. G. (2014). American Academy of Optometry, 2014, Denver, Colorado.

  • Interprofessional Education and Practice Personality Type, Conflict Management Styles and Attitudes Towards Interprofessional Healthcare Team of Health Professions Students.

    Ramirez, M. N., Valdes, M. S., Garcia, D. C., Dominguez, D., Hook, L., Parker, R. A., Nguyen, C., Cauthon, K., Jones, M. E., Sanchez-Diaz, P (2013). 2013 Summer Institutes on Quality Improvement, San Antonio, Texas.

  • The efficacy of MiBo Thermoflo in the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction.

    Connor, C.G., Narayanan, S., and Miller, W.L. ARVO Abstracts

  • Clinical Effectiveness of Lid Debridement with BlephEx Treatment.

    Connor, C.G., Choat, C., Narayanan, S., Kyser, K., Rosenberg, B., and Mulder, D. ARVO Abstracts

millertoa 2017

2017 Faculty Awards and Honors
Organization Award Faculty Recipient(s)
Texas Optometric Association Educator of the Year Dr. William Miller
American Academy of Optometry Foundation Korb-Exford Dry Eye Career Development Grant Dr. Srihari Narayanan

2015 rabintoa

2015 Faculty Awards and Honors
Organization Award Faculty Recipient(s)
Texas Optometric Association Educator of the Year Dr. Jeffrey Rabin
American Optometric Foundation Innovation in Education Grant

Dr. Brian Foutch

Dr. Lourdes Fortepiani

Dr. Richard Trevino


2014 Faculty Awards and Honors
Organization Award Faculty Recipient(s)
American Optometric Foundation Innovation in Education Grant Dr. Matt Valdes
American Optometric Foundation Innovation in Education Grant Dr. Richard Trevino