Yutaka Maki, OD, MS, FOVDR
Chief of Binocular Vision & Vision Therapy Clinic / Associate Professor Faculty Email: maki@uiwtx.eduDr. Yutaka Maki is the Chief of Binocular Vision and Vision Therapy Service and an Associate Professor at the University of the Incarnate Word, Rosenberg School of Optometry. His responsibilities include didactic teaching in Optics, Clinical Optometry, Vision Therapy, and Strabismus/Amblyopia courses and clinical supervision in the Pediatric and Vision Therapy clinics.
In the spring of 2014 Dr. Maki was given the Legacy Teaching Award by the University of Incarnate Word and the Distinguished Teacher Award by the UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry. Dr. Maki became a Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development in the fall of 2015.
Dr. Maki grew up in Massachusetts and graduated from University of Massachusetts with bachelor's degrees in physics and biology. He taught high school math in New York City while completing a master's degree in education. He graduated from the State University of New York College of Optometry where he also completed the Dr. Irwin B. Suchoff Residency Program in Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation.